There seems to be a parallel between Hegel's distinction between localized representation and universalized conceptuality and MacIntyre's tradition-based rationality. I can see where his qualified historicism finds its influence. Marx is an obvious influence in this respect also.
Though, I am still having trouble understanding how he claims that we should accept relativism as a premise and not as a conclusion. This seems to presuppose that epistemology is first philosophy. Though, granted, I could just be a 24 year-old dilettante in need of further study.
There seems to be a parallel between Hegel's distinction between localized representation and universalized conceptuality and MacIntyre's tradition-based rationality. I can see where his qualified historicism finds its influence. Marx is an obvious influence in this respect also.
Though, I am still having trouble understanding how he claims that we should accept relativism as a premise and not as a conclusion. This seems to presuppose that epistemology is first philosophy. Though, granted, I could just be a 24 year-old dilettante in need of further study.